Monday, July 21, 2014

PSLE: A very angry teacher

Madam Wong stopped short right in front of my deak.  She leaned forward with her big bulging eyes boring into mine.  Baring her crooked teeth into a sneer, she hissed like a rat, saying, "Would you mind explain why there is one less book I haven't collected?"

I knew it was pointless to lie to this master lie-detector.  Her icy cold eyes would arrow straight through my excuses.  "Erm, I forgot to bring it," I whispered with fear, wishing that I could cuddle up like a ball and be sucked into the core of the earth and disappear in thin air.

"What?  You forgot to bring it?  Again?! disgusting vermin!" she shouted at me, seething with rage.  Her face was as red as a ripened tomato as smoke was pouring out from her ears.

My eyes moved from left to right, unsure of how to respond.  My mouth opened and closed like a goldfish.  I stole a glance at my classmates.  The proverb "One man's misery is another man's joy" was indeed true.  But why it had to be me? 

"No recess for the rest of the week!   You hear me?" Madam Wong screamed with rage.  She was obviously burning mad.  I nodded slowly and with that, she stormed off in a huff like the raging bull.  I stared down at my shoes glumly.  "What'd I done?  It's only the fifth time!" I gave a long sigh of resignation.

Ethan Wong

1 comment:

"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau