Monday, July 21, 2014

PSLE: Terrorists in MRT train

The MRT station was bustling with crowds of familes.  The mixture of conversations sounded like ducks clacking.  My sibings and I had decided to spend our day at Downtown East to take our minds off the coming examinations.
Minutes later, when the train finally arrived, we stepped past the sliding doors, not knowing that the seats in that train were reserved for impending death.  As the train whizzed off, we clung onto the pole of the crowded carriage, awaiting our destination.  We stopped by station after station.  The train was unsually slow.  Before long, I became impatient.  Why couldn't the train go faster?
Somehow, a sudden wave of uneasiness hit me.  My sixth sense had always been fairly accurate.  The hair on the back of my neck was standing.  Cold shivers were runing down my spine constantly.  What could be so wrong?
I was knocked out of the train of thoughts when a sudden ruckus arose.  Men wearing large cloaks rose from their seats.  They pulled out large weapons concealed under them.  But the most shocking part that left me with a loss of words was that the man standing in the middle of the bunch of burly men had grenades wrapped around his body. 
The word "terrorists" ricocheted though my mind.  What was these men up to?.  This question kept replaying continuously in my mind like a spoiled CD player.
A blast suddenly shook the train and it screeched to a halt.  The sudden jolt had caused me to lose my balance and I fell head first towards the floor.  It was only then that I realised one of the terrorists in another cabin and threw a hand of grenades towards the front cabin, causing the train to buckle in two.
Pandemonium filled the train.  Adults begain banging at the doors, bellowing at the top of their lungs.  Children began sobbing and wailing with sobs of fear theat echoed through the train.  The train was so chaotic that saying this was hell would be an understatement.
It was only then thtat I realised that my Jake was also banging crazily at the cabin doors while my younger brother, Tom, was crying his eyeballs out. 
As if this was not enough, the terrorists went on a shooting spree and began pulling their triggers and killed dozens within seconds.  A heap of corpses piled one on another.  Among the dead bodies strewn across the bloodied train floor were my two younger brothers!
Silent tears flowed down my cheeks.  I smeared blood onto my face and body and feigned death.  Words had failed me.  Nothing could describe the agony and anger inside me.  I took a secret peek at the terrorists, walking around looking for survivors to exterminate.  I felt like screaming with hatred.  The hundreds that had once filled the train had decimated to tens.
All of a sudden, wails of siren ricocheted the streets.   Help was on the way!  Certainly, these wicked men would make their escape immediately.  However, the hope that rose within me was immediately dashed when I discovered that all the terrorists were planning to perish together.  Fear gripped my heart, crushing me slowly as the thought of being blasted alive engulfed me.  Hades was waiting.  The terrorists began to pull the pins out of the grenades.  A fraction of a second later, they exploded and the huge explosion rushed towards me like a huge wave. Darkness took over...
Ethan Wong

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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau