Thursday, January 15, 2015

PSLE: A pickpocket's foiled attempt

The Cold Storage supermarket was bustling with life. The lights overhead illuminated the place in its full brilliance. Customers were milling about like ants inside their nest. There was a wide variety of goods on sale. The noise of the hustle and bustle almost drowned out the soft-piped music playing from the speakers. 

Shawn and his mother were at the busy supermarket, buying their weekly groceries. Mrs Tan was a regular customer. Her trolley was filled to the brim as she labored to push it towards the cashier. As it was weekend, the queue was long like a snake. The cashier was busy trying to clear the queue as fast as she could.

“The queue is so long, Mum!” Shawn spoke with a long sigh. 

“Stop complaining!” Mrs Tan in a flowery dress snapped.

Ring! A melodious ringing tone reverberated through the air. It was Mrs Tan’s phone ringing. She immediately picked it up and started chatting away nineteen to the dozen. However, she did not notice a suspicious figure lingering nearby. He was a burly man in shades, eyeing at his mum’s Louis Vuitton wallet, and a toothless grin spread across his thin face. Unable to succumb to the temptation anymore, he nicked the wallet swiftly, took to his heels and sped off quick as a flash towards the exit. 

Shawn saw it and turned ashen-faced instantly. He shook his mother’s elbow vigorously and boomed, “Mum, that man took your wallet!” Mrs Tan’s blood froze and her heart raced fast in panic! 

“Someone, please help me catch the thief!” she yelled but no one bothered. 

Just as he was about to reach the exit, a quick-thinking elderly cleaner sprang into action. She hurled a bucket of dirty water and splashed it on him. “Eeeee! Yuck!” the man cried and lost his balance, falling victim to the slippery floor. He collapsed with a loud thud, groaning in excruciating pain. 

Mrs Tan rushed towards the villain and in her fury, she glared at him with her slitty eyes and her nostrils flared like a seething dragon. She rained down harsh blows on the pickpocket by kicking him harshly in her high-heeled stilettos. “This is for stealing my wallet!” she yelled.

Fortunately, someone called the police and the police officers rushed down to apprehend the thief. The man hung his head low in shame as he was led away towards the police car. As for the elderly lady, she was commended by the supermarket manager for her vigilance. Mrs Tan bought her a tin of butter cookies in gratitude for her clever intervention. 

That day, Shawn learned an important lesson engraved in his memory forever: it never pays to steal.

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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau