Thursday, May 28, 2015

PSLE: An Accident

Picture 1: Boys playing soccer
Picture 2: A road
Picture 3: An ambulance

The evening sun was casting its slanted rays on the grassy field, creating elongated shadows everywhere.  A sea of greenery surrounded the two best friends as they were engrossed in their little game of soccer. Joken and Dongzhi were having a whale of a time, enjoying themselves. Joken, the tall and lanky boy, was dribbling the ball towards their make-believe goal post which was represented by the gap between two bushes. Dongzhi, the puny boy with spiky short hair, was trying hard to take the ball from him.

“I am going to score again! You’d better be careful,” Joken teased playfully.

“Don’t brag! I’m better than you!” Dongzhi answered in a spirited retort.

“Better? Since when?” Joken asked.

In the midst of the game, Joken was about to score a goal when Dongzhi slid beside him and gave it a mighty kick. The ball flew like a rocket, out of the field, over the tall gigantic pine trees and landed on the rough tarmac.

In his eagerness to get the ball, Dongzhi ran hell for leather for it. The soccer finally slowed to a halt in the middle of a three-lane highway. Vehicles were zooming up and down the busy road. The ball was rolling about as a result. Dongzhi was extremely worried. It was his precious ball since it had been autographed by Cristiano Ronaldo!

Just as Dongzhi was finally able to lay his hands on his treasured ball, a lorry appeared rumbling down the road at full speed. The driver could not see Dongzhi at all as he was too short to be spotted from the driver’s seat. Dongzhi’s heart palpitated like a drum as he stared in horror at the lorry charging towards him. His small face blanched in trepidation. He wanted to run but the legs had turned jelly.

Bang! A loud crash sliced through the air. At the impact, Dongzhi flew like a rag doll and was flung ten metres away, landing at the side of the road. The lorry immediately screeched to a stop and the traffic came to a standstill. Passing cars slowed down to gawk at the horrific scene. A puddle of red crimson blood stained the greyish road as Dongzhi lay there unconscious. The lorry driver immediately called the ambulance.

Joken was terrified at what he saw. Ridges of Braille rose from beneath his clammy skin. Shaking like a leaf, he dared not go near.  What should he do? He decided to dash home to inform Dongzhi’s parents about the accident. Upon receiving the alarming news, Dongzhi’s parents rushed to the accident scene. By the time the trio arrived, the sun had already set and a crowd of onlookers had encircled the poor boy. An ambulance had also arrived at the scene.

Unfortunately, it was too late. The paramedics shook their heads in dismay. Dongzhi had already succumbed to his severe head injuries. His parents were grief-stricken. Inconsolable tears plopped down their sorrowful faces like raindrops as heart-wrenching wails of misery echoed in the night. Nothing could assuage their pain and sadness. Joken was devastated by the death of his best friend. If only he had known the importance of not playing near a busy road, this would never have happened. It was too late.

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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau