Monday, February 15, 2016

PSLE: An Argument

Ominous clouds hung low in the greyish-blue sky. Tears streamed down my face as I stood in the middle of a cemetery. I ran my fingers across the big bold words engraved into the gravestone. Jingling of the coins still rang loudly in my ears. It was jarring. Instinctively, I put my hands over my ears, hoping in vain to shut it out.

“I’ve told you that I did not take your sunglasses!” I hollered at the top of my lungs. My brother, Jeffery, simply rolled his eyes and scowled at me, “When mum and dad get home, you will be in hot water.” He flashed a middle finger at me before sauntering towards me. Even though I had not taken his sunglasses, we both knew very well that I would definitely get into trouble if Jeffery told on me. I was always the less preferred son. The one that was being blamed on for everything and anything.  I was the useless one.

“Ouch!” I screamed. Before I could react, Jeffery had kicked me where it hurt the most – my ‘jewel’. That was his favourite ‘Kungfu’ technique. Immediately, I crouched down, groaning in agony. Jeffery looked down at me and smirked smugly before swaggering off.

“I hate you!”  This thought hit me like a lightning bolt.  That was when I could literally feel all the strings inside me snap! I could feel my blood boiling. Clenching and unclenching my fist so hard, my knuckles turned white. I was trying to keep my anger in check. I failed.

I needed to vent my anger. Fuming, my eyes swept across the room. It landed on the closest object within my reach – a piggy-bank. That ought to teach him a lesson.

In a fit of rage, I grabbed the piggy-bank as swift as lightning and hurled it at Jeffery. Instantly, I felt my anger dissipate. All the suffocating anger built up inside me seemed to have vaporized. But, the relief was short-lived.

“Ahh!” Jeffery screamed as the piggy-bank crashed into his head. The jingling of the coins filled the room, drowning out Jeffery’s cries. I froze and my eyes widened with fear as I watched the scene unfolding before my eyes in slow motion. Due to the impact, Jeffery stumbled back a few steps. Unfortunately, he was tripped over by a chair and fell backwards. His head hit the sharp edge of our glass dining table and he fell limply to the ground.  I gasped and let out a voiceless scream – stunned.

Ignoring the sharp pain in my crotch, I hobbled over to Jeffery. I winced when I saw the gushing wound on Jeffery’s head. The floor had been stained crimson red. Hesitantly, I took my brother’s hand in mine. Looking up at me, Jeffery gave me a feeble smile. Strangely, he was not angry anymore.  I paled when I noticed that his breathing was getting labored each passing second.

Choking back on my tears, I whispered in a quivering voice, “Jeffery, I’m sorry…Please stay with me…I …I love …” Jeffery’s eyes shut close and his hand slipped from mine. Death had robbed me of the chance to finish my sentence.

Wiping the tears off my face, I stood without a word.  I had been riddled by guilt for ages.  It was an argument gone wrong - terribly wrong.  Slowly, I stood up. “I love you, Jeffery. I am so sorry.” I wish I had told him that earlier. When he was still alive. Gently stroking the cold dusty granite tombstone, I slipped out of the cemetery reluctantly. The deadly argument - I wished I had never acted so rashly. 

Written by:

Gwyneth Chew P6

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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau