Tuesday, February 16, 2016

PSLE: Just Deserts

The classroom was a hive of activities. It was the beginning of a long day at school and everyone was chatting nineteen to the dozen. All of a sudden, an uncanny silence descended and all were quiet. Mingze had just entered. Round and stout, he swaggered into the classroom, looking every inch a notorious bully.

As Mingze pranced towards his seat, his eyes fell on Neave, the nerdy scholar devouring a stack of Geronimo Stilton books. An impish idea hit Mingze like a lightning bolt. Taking a pair of scissors, he sneaked behind Neave, took some of his favourite ones and cut them into two. What a horrid boy! He really had no qualms about bullying anyone whom he regarded as a sore thumb. Soon, loose pages were sprawled all over the floor. 

Just then, Neave looked out and saw his torn books on the floor. His eyes widened in horror and rage engulfed him. How could he do that? Mingze had always been mean. He had pulled his chair before and made him tumble to the ground and even smacked his head with his water bottle but he had never laid his hands on his precious books before.

“How dare you touch my books!” Neave hissed.

“I can do anything I please,” came the arrogant reply.

Demonic fury swelled within Neave. Even though he was half the size, he grabbed Mingze by the arm and pounced on him like a wild cat, scratching him with many deep raw cuts. The whole class was stunned. Ripples of shock and disbelief permeated the room. 

Groaning in pain, the notorious bully turned into a scaredy cat and tried to escape. Never a chance! Neave swept him off his feet and hurled him like a wrestler. Mingze crashed onto the whiteboard and the impact was so tremendous that he was dazed by the blow on his head and started to cry like a baby. 

His pleas for help was abruptly cut off by someone’s voice calling out, “The teacher is on the way!” Everyone rushed to their seats and pretended nothing had happened. The class was in disarray with all the papers but no one dared to spill the beans. The teacher was not bothered as he was only a relief teacher. The lesson began and he started to drone like a broken radio.

Strange as it might sound, no one knew what got into Neave that day. How he got his Herculean strength is still a mystery.  As for Mingze, he has transformed into a completely different boy. From a notorious bully, he has become timid and quiet. Of course, he has never laid his hands on anyone again ever since then.


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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau