Tuesday, June 14, 2016

PSLE: Expanding the climax with writing techniques

In a recent composition I marked, the 'Before' is the climax done by my student.  Using her work as a sample, I taught the class on how to expand the climax and hook the readers. The 'After' is what we discussed in class.  Not too bad, right? 
The sound signalled the start of the race.  The competitors sprinted as if they were on steroids.  It was hard to win in such a race.  Timothy overtook them one by one.  Soon, he was the first.  Dashing as fast as he could, he crossed the finishing line and won.

Bang!  The blast from the starter gun signaled the start of the race.  The competitors typhooned down the race tracks like strong gales as if they were on steroids.  It was hard to win in such a race.   Was Timothy going to win?  Maybe yes?  Maybe no? Yet, Timothy refused to give up and held a tiny glimmer of hope inside him.   Whooosh! What was that? It was Timothy.  He had picked up his pace and was running at a breakneck speed.  Timothy had never run so fast in his life before.  Where did he get all this leg power?

His unexpected performance caught the spectators’ attention.  They were all holding their breaths.  Everyone was at the edge of their seats, all eager to know who the winner was going to be.  They were all cheering for their favourite runners.  The whole stadium was instantly electrified! 

As Timothy charged forwards, his strong legs thumped against the orange rubbery tracks.  His heart throbbed violently against his ribcage and his lungs were screaming for air.  Sweat was dripping down the sides of his forehead. Despite the intense ache in his legs, he overtook them one by one.  Soon, he was neck to neck against the strongest runner nicknamed ‘The Flash’!  Winning him would be a miracle.  Was Timothy going to win?  Dashing as fast as a bolt of lightning, he ran like no tomorrow and overtook his opponent.  Yes, he crossed the finishing line! He won! Filled with triumphant jubilation, he punched the air in victory!

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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau