Saturday, June 25, 2016

PSLE: Writing a great introduction and close for a PSLE composition

Theme: Danger

Original Introduction
It was a balmy day and the water looked as smooth as glass except for the occasional ripples.  Jay intended to explore the river behind his grandmother’s house.

Writing Techniques: Senses (sound, smell, sight, taste, touch), Appearance + Dressing, Thoughts and Feelings, Hook

It was a balmy day. (2-3 details on how you think a balmy day looks like)  Birds were chirping melodiously on the gnarled tree branches.  Butterflies were already busy fluttering around collecting nectar. The smell of the colourful flowers lingered in the air.  Jay was making his way to the river bank.  His lanky (appearance) legs thumped on the dead leaves, making them crackle.  He smiled (facial expression) as he gazed (do not use ‘see’) at the river.  The greenish (color) water looked as smooth as glass (simile) except for the occasional ripples.  Exuberance (feeling) bubbled in him when he spotted (do not use ‘see’) a boat beside the river bank.  It was going to be a day of adventure.  Little did he know that great danger was looming nearby... 

Original Conclusion
Suddenly, while Jay was struggling, the whole boat capsized.  Without hesitation, the crocodile immediately attacked Jay’s right leg trying to pull him down into the water.  After that, no one knew where Jay was.

Revised Climax and Close
The crocodile gave the boat a massive slap with its humongous tail.  The impact was so powerful that the boat overturned and Jay flew off the boat and splashed into the water.  (BODY) Jay was choked by the water that rushed into his mouth and nostrils.  Being a lousy swimmer without a life jacket, he struggled for air.  As if that was not bad enough (THOUGHT), the crocodile lunged (vivid verb) towards him and opened his gigantic jaws wide.   Lines of razor-sharp teeth glinted in the sun. With a loud snap, Jay’s right leg was completely ripped off. Blood immediately turned the river crimson red. After a struggle, the splashes and ripples soon turned feeble and became no more.

The day turned dark and dreary.  The birds no longer sang.  The butterflies hid themselves.  The smell of death rose like vapour from the ground.  The greenish water looked as smooth as glass once more.  No one knew where Jay was.

The river awaits its next victim. (Implied Theme)

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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau