Thursday, March 6, 2014

Some vivid description of places

Vivid Description: A classroom

In class, my notorious friends were running all over and throwing paper planes across the classroom. Some were chewing bubble gums while other were eating.  The smell of their perspiration filled the air as they had just finished their basketball practice. A sweet jasmine fragrance suddenly lingered in the air. It was a familiar scent — the perfume of Mrs Raja. Her eyes were like hot coals.  Trouble was brewing.

Vivid Description: An empty theme park

A gust of chilling wind howled and blew in curves. Piles of dead leaves fluttered in the air and scattered all around the theme park. The sun was beginning to set and there was no one in sight, only elongated shadows of dim lampposts and lonely trees. Instead of laughter, there was only silence. Instead of merriment, there was only loneliness.


Silence blanketed the amusement park. Time literally froze. The usual roar of exuberance was absent. Laughter was no longer there. Stalls of popcorn, cotton candy and hotdog buns vanished. The rides in rainbow colours and bright lights halted and dulled. The lights were out. Imagery of happy families with parents and children were all gone. Sadly, the park seemed abandoned like a lonely grandfather yearning for the visit of his beloved grandchildren.


Vivid Description: School canteen

The school bell shrieked, signalling recess time. John was making his way to the Japanese food stall which he always patronised. The smell of the rich broth charged into his nostrils and whetted his appetite. After he had bought his favourite udon, he looked a vacant scat but accidentally tripped over and the udon flew and fell onto the principal's head and he ended up looking like a very wet mop.

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"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Henry David Thoreau